Past Events

RTI's Data Science Specialist Emily Hadley: February 26, 2019
Our first talk of the spring semester was given by Emily Hadley, a Data Science Specialist at RTI International. In an informative and engaging talk, Emily shared with students the importance of finding a career that plays to personal strengths and growth opportunities, while sharing her own journey into the world of data science.

A Beginner's Guide to Doing Good with Dr. Elliot Inman from SAS: September 20th, 2018
Our first event for the Fall of 2018 will be hosted by Dr. Elliot Inman, Manager of Software Development at SAS, as he shares with us his experience working on SAS' Data4Good initiative and other experiences using tech for good.
Past Community Involvement

Pearl Hacks 2019: CS+Social Good's Most Environmental Hack
Our team decided to host a prize for the most environemntally oriented hack at UNC's hackathon for female and non-binary identifying students, Pearl Hacks. Read more about the team we chose and why.

HackNC 2018: CS+Social Good's Most Innovative Social Hack
Our team decided to host a prize for the most social good oriented hack at one of UNC's sponsored hackathons, HackNC. Read more about the team we chose and why.
Past Partnerships

Carolina Cupboard Partnership
During the 2019 Spring Semester, CS+Social Good partnered with Carolina Cupboard to create a web application that manages the food pantry's inventory. This application allows Carolina Cupboard to scan items into the inventory as they are donated, and delete items as they are claimed by visitors.

Kay Blada Partnership
In 2018, CS+SG launched a partnership with Kay Blada, a non-profit dedicated to reducing plastic waste in Haiti.
Initiative on Poverty and Inequality Partnership
During the 2019 Spring Semester, CS+Social Good partnered with IPI to create a website, promoting their mission on UNC's campus.